Barbie Collector Passion

samedi 5 septembre 2009

Queen Elizabeth I

Comment vous décrire l'immense joie que j'ai ressentie en recevant cette merveille ? Cette poupée est absolument magnifique !
Majestueuse dans sa grande robe blanche couverte de perles, cette poupée a été créée à l'effigie de la reine Elizabeth I d'Angleterre, fille du roi Henry VIII et de sa seconde épouse, Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth est probablement l'un des monarques les plus célèbres et l'un des personnages féminins les plus importants dans l'Histoire. Elle partage avec Charlemagne, Louis XIV et quelques autres le rare privilège d'avoir donné son nom à son siècle. Peu de personnages ont laissé une image plus contrastée, plus complexe, plus énigmatique.
L'éclat de l' "ère élisabéthaine", illustrée par les Shakespeare, les Marlowe, les Francis Drake, les Walter Raleigh, la captivité et l'exécution de Marie Stuart, l'épopée de l'invincible Armada, la tragédie de Robert d'Essex, tout cela crée autour de la "Grande Elizabeth" une aura de légende telle qu'il n'est pas aisé de l'oublier.
Product Code: B3425

he last of the Tudor monarchs, Elizabeth was born on September 7, 1533 at Greenwich Palace in London.
She was the daughter of the infamous King Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. In 1558, she ascended to the throne and became what many historians consider to be one of the most successful and popular British rulers.
Her reign lasted until 1603 and this Elizabethan era was considered a “Golden Age” in English history. This was a time of luxury and extravagance during which an English Renaissance occured, led by playwrights and poets such as William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Edmund Spencer. Sir Walter Raleigh, William Drake, and other explorers sailed across the oceans, seeking to expand territories for Great Britain.
Elizabeth’s subjects called her Glorianna and Good Queen Bess, as she was enormously popular. Elizabeth I liked to wear lavish gowns and opulent jewels and her court featured stylish entertainment. She was said to be vain, sentimental, and adored to be flattered. However, she was entirely committed to her regal position. She never married, although she had many suitors, and always put politics and her country first. She was intellectual, clever and quick-witted, but could be as calculating and ruthless as any male ruler before her. She was beloved during her reign, and, after her death, she became a legend.
Barbie® doll pays homage to this extraordinary monarch dressed in a sumptuous gown inspired by Elizabeth I. Elaborate jewelry and a golden headpiece lend an air of regal sophistication.