Je suis fier de vous présenter le coffret "Tales Of The Arabian Nights" dont je rêvais depuis longtemps, contenant le sultan et la divine Shéhérazade tous deux richement vêtus. Les 1001 nuits ont souvent inspiré de grands artistes tel que le compositeur Maurice Ravel dont je vous conseille très vivement d'écouter, si vous ne le connaissez pas, le merveilleux cycle "Shéhérazade" sur trois poèmes de Tristan Klingsor.
Product Code: 50827
From the palaces of Persia to the wild borders of China, beyond the river Ganges, farther than the Nile, and throughout far off places, stories have been told of a beautiful princess named Scheherazade. She captivated her husband, the great sultan, with tales of enchantment told during the dark and romantic Arabian nights.
Fantastic genies from magic lamps, flying carpets, and voyages on the seven seas: the power and pleasure of legendary stories still charm and give us the great gift of wonder.
Your Tales Of The Arabian Nights dolls pay tribute to a magical storyteller and her beloved sultan.
Your Tales Of The Arabian Nights dolls pay tribute to a magical storyteller and her beloved sultan.
Barbie® doll casts a mystical spell dressed as Scheherazade. Colorful, fanciful, and ultimately enthralling, she wears a fantastic costume inspired by Arabian design. Brilliant hues, golden trim, and a cascading veil capture the mystique of an exotic land. Ken® doll, dressed as the dashing sultan, sits spellbound with trusty"sword. His extraordinary costume is accented with a splendid turban, gloriously adorned with a sparkling faux ruby and golden plume.